Youth Philanthropy Board
—Evanston/North Shore, Illinois—
The Youth Philanthropy Board formed by several close philanthropic communities, including Evanston and Wilmette and Winnetka of the North Shore, deciding to collaborate to better engage the philanthropic spirit of their combined youth populations. Founded in 2022, the Evanston Community Foundation decided to sponsor the program as part of its Cradle 2 Career initiative, which is a collaborative partnership in itself of more than 40 organizations committed to realizing a more fair and equitable community in Evanston.
In its first year, the program started strong with 19 Junior participants but immediately took another big step in its second year, where the new Junior Cohort consists of 31 students from 5 local high schools. Many of the students are currently or have been involved in philanthropic events but chose to move that passion into the Three Pillars Program because they felt “there’s nothing else like it” and want to set the solid foundation for all the cohorts to come.
“The program is great, but these kids are incredible. They really blew me away.”
Local Organizations Funded
Books & Breakfast
The Center for Enriched Learning
Curt's Café
James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
The Night Ministry
Our Place
YPB Junior Cohort, Class 2025